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June 2024 Office Technology

Table of Contents

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Feature Articles

Thank You, Bob
Our heartfelt appreciation for your 47 years of service
by Brent Hoskins, Office Technology Magazine

Today’s Capture & IDP Industry
The AI revolution in document capture is here
by Ralph Gammon, Infosource Software

AI Insight

We Are in a People Business
AI & what the future holds for the imaging industry
by Cody Walton, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A. Inc.

Courts & Capitols

The Ban on Noncompetes
What does the FTC's decision mean for your business?
by Greg Goldberg, Incoming BTA General Counsel

Thank You, Bob

The End of an Era
Bob’s legal advice has been pristine & flawless
by Frank Cannata, The Cannata Report

Principal Issues

Shaping Tomorrow
DocuWare hosts annual conference in Houston
by Elizabeth Marvel, Office Technology Magazine

Selling Solutions

Sales Slumps
Who or what inspires you when you are tired?
by Reena Philpot, Reena Philpot Sales Coaching

Executive Director's Page

The Goodbye I Hoped Would Never Happen
by Brent Hoskins, Office Technology

President's Message

Bob, For All You Have Done, We Thank You
by Don Risser, 2023-24 BTA President


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